How to Spot Fake Charity Websites? Read This!

Social media sites like Facebook have become commonplace for scammers to prey on people’s kindness. These fake fundraising campaigns have fooled so many people and they can target you as well if you are not aware. But don’t worry because no scammers would get your hard-earned money as we have got your back.

Seeing the increased fake fundraising websites, we thought of helping people to understand how they can differentiate fake charities from the ones that are truly in need. Once you have read all of these points, you could easily find genuine Israeli charities for donating your money for betterment. Scroll down to have a look.

The age of the group and its content: If the charity donation website is just a couple of days or months old, maybe you should drop the idea of donating with that website. Why you might ask? It’s because most websites that are just a couple of weeks old and have a few posts are not authentic. Thus, they cannot be trusted. These websites are mostly run by scammers and cheaters who want to steal the money of people.

Pressure for you to feel pity: While there are real stories that make us feel sad and we even start crying after reading them, this does not mean that every story is true. If the website is only uploading videos and pictures that are too emotional, maybe there is something fishy. Most of the time, this kind of strategy is used by cheaters who want to pressurize people to act spontaneously without thinking much.

No responses for clarifying questions: Another major sign to spot a fake charity website is that when the admin or other member of the group is not responding to the queries of people.

Surely there are several fake charity websites but you can trust Yad Eliezer. It is one of the best websites that can help you donate to Israeli charity safely and genuinely.

The story behind the foundation of Yad Eliezer goes back to the year 1980 in the kitchen of the Weisel family. This family started helping underprivileged people by offering them food packets. And soon they established themselves as Yad Eliezer to help people on a bigger level.

About Yad Eliezer:

Yad Eliezer is a trusted platform that you can visit to donate to the best Israeli charities.

For more information, visit

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